what is trim in function pyspark?

Pinjari Akbar
4 min readNov 24, 2023


In PySpark, the trim function is used to remove leading and trailing whitespaces from a string column in a DataFrame. It is a transformation function provided by PySpark's DataFrame API, and it operates on columns of the DataFrame.

Here’s a simple example of how you can use the trim function in PySpark:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, trim

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = [(" John ", 25),
(" Alice ", 30),
("Bob", 22)]

columns = ["Name", "Age"]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data=data,schema=columns)

# Use the trim function to remove leading and trailing whitespaces from the "Name" column
df_trimmed = df.withColumn("NameTrimmed", trim(col("Name")))

# Show the result

without trim dataframe :


| Name|Age|
| John | 25|
| Alice | 30|
| Bob| 22|

with trim dataframe :


| Name|Age|NameTrimmed|
| John | 25| John|
| Alice | 30| Alice|
| Bob| 22| Bob|

use case trim in pyspark:

A common use case for the trim function in PySpark is when working with data where text fields might have leading or trailing whitespaces. Such whitespaces can lead to issues when performing operations like filtering or joining, as they can create mismatches.

Let’s consider a practical example:

Suppose you have a DataFrame containing user information with a “username” column that might have leading or trailing whitespaces. You want to perform some analysis or join this DataFrame with another DataFrame, but you need to ensure that the usernames are clean and don’t have unnecessary whitespaces.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, trim

# Create a Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("username_trim_example").getOrCreate()

# Sample data with usernames containing whitespaces
data = [(" user1 ", 25), ("user2 ", 30), (" user3", 22)]
columns = ["username", "age"]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Use the trim function to clean up the "username" column
df_cleaned = df.withColumn("cleaned_username", trim(col("username")))

# Show the original and cleaned DataFrames
print("Original DataFrame:")

print("Cleaned DataFrame:")

In this example, the trim(col("username")) part is used to create a new column called "cleaned_username," where leading and trailing whitespaces in the "username" column are removed. The result is a DataFrame with clean usernames.

You can then use the cleaned DataFrame for further analysis, filtering, or joining with other DataFrames without worrying about discrepancies due to whitespaces in the usernames.

This use case highlights the importance of data cleaning and preprocessing, ensuring that the data is in a consistent and usable format before performing more advanced analytics or operations.

what are the benefits of trime function in pyspark ?

Using the trim function in PySpark or any similar data cleaning operation provides several benefits, especially when working with real-world data:

1.Data Quality Improvement:

  • Trimming leading and trailing whitespaces helps in improving the overall quality of the data by eliminating unnecessary characters that might have been introduced during data entry or storage.


  • Removing whitespaces ensures consistency in string values, making it easier to compare, filter, or join data based on these values. Inconsistent formatting can lead to data discrepancies and errors in analytics.

3.Query and Join Accuracy:

  • Cleaned data reduces the likelihood of errors when querying or joining datasets. Trimming whitespaces ensures that string values match accurately when performing operations like equality checks or joins.

4.Improved Analysis:

  • Cleaned data allows for more accurate and meaningful analysis. For example, when aggregating data or creating visualizations, you can have confidence that the data is free from unnecessary whitespaces that might affect the results.

5.Enhanced Usability:

  • Cleaned data is generally more user-friendly. When others work with the data, they are less likely to encounter unexpected issues related to leading or trailing whitespaces.

6.Efficient Storage:

  • Trimming whitespaces can also be beneficial in terms of storage efficiency, especially if there are a large number of rows with unnecessary characters. This can result in smaller data sizes and improved performance in terms of data retrieval and processing.

7.Avoiding Bugs and Edge Cases:

  • Leading or trailing whitespaces can sometimes lead to subtle bugs in code, particularly when comparing or searching for specific values. Cleaning the data at the preprocessing stage helps avoid such edge cases.

8.Alignment with Data Standards:

  • Many data standards and best practices recommend removing leading and trailing whitespaces as part of data cleaning and preparation. Adhering to these standards makes the data more interoperable and compatible with various tools and systems.

In summary, using functions like trim in PySpark contributes to data cleanliness, consistency, and accuracy, ultimately leading to more reliable and actionable insights from your data. It's a fundamental step in the data preprocessing pipeline, ensuring that data is in a clean and consistent state before analysis or modeling.



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